Sunday, 27 May 2012

#3 Choose Your Own Adventure

Clog #3 Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA to those in the know). An homage to the Fighting Fantasy Books of my youth, mingled with a tinge of regret that I have never actually played through a proper game of D&D. 

Instructions: You don't need a dice, the whole thing is text based. Keep a pen handy to note down any items you find along the way and to record your skill and stamina scores. Remember: there are several ways to play through this strip and multiple endings, so the fun keeps on going!

I also made the size super massive.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

#2 Poem

#2 in the ongoing Clog. A beautiful poem intended to capture the romantic, Shakespearean mood which can occur betwixt our two handsome protagonists. This is the original poem:

In times past, I was a lord
Commanding an almighty horde,
I’d grind my foes to dust.

At battles end, Mars wroth sate,
I’d witness the fruit of my hate,
And hold aloft my bust

Metaphor, or a truth you’d do?
Actually, sometimes both were true,
But now I sit and rust.

This is based on my original modified text - not shown in strip form yet until I can figure out how to cram all of the lovely words into my tiny picture.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Template re-jigged

Text and format re-jigged. It's a little easier to read and consequently viewer enjoyment is increased. Thank you to rap master Pigo for enhancing the text and improving the layout.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


99 ways to tell a story: a Clog

Comic + Blog = Clog. Based on the wonderful '99 ways to tell a story: Exercises in style' by Matt Madden (In turn inspired by Raymond Queneau's 'Exercises in style') comes a simple idea. The same story told many different ways, exploring the boundaries of syntax an imagery inside a tiny space. I should also nod to Ryan North who has been doing a similar freeze frame comic since the jurassic era.

This is the picture.