Sunday, 16 December 2012

#30 A Crisis of Conscience

In the world of comics, cartoons and clogs, a characters conscience and thought processes are portrayed by contradictory angelic and demonic versions of the character, sitting on their shoulder feeding them advice. Just like in real life.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

jumbo funtime answers

Last weeks Clog in the jumbo funtime theme, but with all the answers filled in...

Friday, 23 November 2012

An explanation:

Drone & Amoeba: A Clog (comic + blog): The same story told a multitude of times, each time with a different spin on the presentation, theme or idea. Most are variations; below is the original. I realise they become rather weird but that's part of the magic....

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Some Punishment

I'm funny right? I mean, these are hilarious yes? Hello?

#26 Contradictory viewpoints

Clog #26 looks at things from independent, contradictory, points of view (POV). 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Drone & Amoeba Clog #23 written with Oblique Strategies

An explanation: The Oblique Strategies (Brian Eno & Peter Schimidt; 1975) deck of cards has a different observation, principle, idea or perspective written on each card; over a hundred in all. From the deck lent to me by Darren Kent, four cards were drawn out to influence the Clog and one more for the title card. I have helpfully written the strategies selected in the relevant panel so that you don't get too lost. Certainly the strangest Clog yet, but one of the most enjoyable to create. There may be an Oblique sequel (Obliquel).

Sunday, 28 October 2012

#22 Product Placement

It goes without saying that neither Drone, Amoeba nor myself received any cash, product or assistance whatsoever from any of the companies herein abused....

NB: should any person or company wish to give me money, for this or previous comic strips or for any reason, I will do anything, ANYTHING, for it. We at D&A have limited moral principles.

Friday, 19 October 2012

#21 Neologisms

Part 2 of a pair of Clogs with a Lewis Carroll theme. This Clog is notable for the being the first literary use of the word maggared. In this case the foes are maggared with the fatigue of defeat, whereby a more cromulent use would be fatigue through excessive oral consumption e.g. 'I have eaten 6 kilos of finest pate and now feel utterly maggared.'

#20 Mirror Universe

Part 1 of a pair of Clogs with a Lewis Carroll theme. This is also a gentle nod to the 'Star Trek' mirror universe tales. I was this close to giving Mirror Drone a goatee.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

#19 Nested Stories

Nested tales. A story within a story within a story. Befitting Drone & Amoeba's repetitive styling the nesting forms a temporal loop meaning that the story can begin on any panel. The theme is traveling through time, meeting the Drone & Amoeba variants of bygone eras and distant futures..


Difference Engine & Penicillin 
Drone & Amoeba
Drone 2099 & Nanite
Di: & eI

Also the title card may be wrapping paper this Christmas. Part of a wave of expensive, must have merchandise on sale at a retail outlet near you soon.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Error 404. Talent Not Found

Moving from MS Paint to an actual media package? This could be too much. Here's my first attempt at Drone and Amoeba in Adobe Illustrator. There's clearly a lot I don't understand - but I still think it has an unfinished charm of its own....

Sunday, 23 September 2012

# 16 Photostory

A Clog in the Photocomic style. An enormous thank you to Saira and Ben for helping me put this together. Also a big thank you to Freya Hardy for knitting the tea cosy!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

# 15 Top Trumps

Presented here is the regular Clog story with a Top Trumps twist. The rules are easy; (Two-player) Shuffle the deck and deal an equal number of cards to both players. Once all the cards are dealt the players keep them face down. In each round both players draw the top card (keep it secret). Player one selects a category and tells player two (e.g. Last word or sarcasm) the scores are then compared - whomever has the highest score wins the round and keeps both cards. In the next round player two chooses the category. Play continues until one of the players has won all of the cards.

Drone & Amoeba are lovin' the trumps so much I may produce a full 52 card deck....

Sunday, 2 September 2012

#13 Minus a popular non-consonant

Introducing Cyborg & Microscopic Organism......

This weeks Clog is based on Gadsby a 50,000 word novel by E. Wright written entirely without the letter 'e'.
